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Old Milinović ranch and and Ivo Kordić house

Luka Milinović, a merchant from Livno has inherited and bought former houses of dr Feri, an lawyer from Trpanj, and Bilić and a large chunk of land at the south side. He has integrated the houses in a larger complex and surrounded the property with an iron fence and decorated with a beautiful entrance. The house was destroyed in the WW II war, so not to surround the munitions. The stone was used for buiding several first Imotski condominiums. In the seventies a large condominium was build on the property.

On the right is Ivo Kordić house.
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Staro Milinovića imanje i Ive Kordića kuća na desno

Luka Milinović, trgovac iz Livna je od nasljedstva kupio kuće dr Ferija, advokata iz Trpnja, i Bilića i zemljiste sa južne strane. Kuće su bile integrirane u komplex ogradjene željeznom ogradom i dekorirane lijepim ulazom.

He has integrated the houses in a larger complex and surrounded the property with an iron fence and decorated with a beautiful entrance. Kuća je bila uništena explozijom u drugom svjetskom ratu da se ne bi predalo oružje. Kamen se je iskoristio za izgradnju prvih imotskih stambenih zgrada. Početkom sedamdesetih na tom mjestu je izgradjena stambena zgrada.

Na desno je Ive Kordića kuća.
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Luka Milinović and Ivo Kordić houses
